Sales process is the backbone of any organization. With sales plying at ease, companies can strategize their growth. SALESMO allows you to take a leap of growth with its easy sales process monitoring and management. From orders and dispatch to expenses and payment tracking, SALESMO makes Sales Operations as easy as humming your favourite song.
Visit Tracking
Get Real time Visibility of Field Sales Operations. No need for constant back and forth over call, get all updates on your App along with audio recordings of field visit summaries.
Lead Management System
Reach your customers and clients with exact data and lead with SalesMO Lead Management System.
Purchase Orders
Improve your Sales with automation of Purchase Orders. Create Purchase order with custom products and send them via mail, whatsapp or any other online messaging platform.
Sales Target Management
Achieve your sales target with SalesMO Sales Target Management. Get updates in real time and monitor sales performance.
Make Expense reimbursements fast and error free with Sales Mo expenses. File expenses online and ensure accuracy with two levels of verification of filed expenses.
Attendance & Leaves
Mark attendance from your mobile device and apply for leaves on the go with Sales MO attendance and leaves.
Dashboard & Reports
With SalesMO empower your organization with powerful Analytics. Get Dashboards with KPIs and custom reports for useful insights for fast decision making.